Sunday, August 23, 2009 - Basketball star builds schools around the world

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Charity Basketball Camp

Thank you to all the kids, parents, coaches, volunteers, sponsors and the Little Heroes staff for making our basketball camp the success that it was this year. All 3days were packed with excitement. Guest speakers included Shawn Bradley, Ronnie Price and BYU head coach Dave Rose. Awards and prizes were given out for various contests and skills challenges. This year we combined the camp with a service project that benefitted children at the Little Heroes Academy in Mali, Africa. All campers were invited to participate and boy did they! We were overhwelmed with the amount of school supplies donated and the amount of campers that stayed after to serve children they did not even know, in Mali. The campers put together kits that contained paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, chalk, crayons, colored pencils, pencil sharpeners, t-shirts, flip flops, soap, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Thanks again to all that helped make this happen!

Little Heroes Academy

Little Heroes Foundation traveled across the world to Mali, Africa where we opened our very first Little Heroes Academy. Built in the village of Mana, this small school was accepted and greatly appreciated by the Malian government, the chief of the village, parents and students. These children celebrated their excitement and welcomed us with dancing, acting, and singing throughout the day and night. Check out these pictures and share this wonderful experience with us.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Little Heroes Foundation needs your help!

We will carry out a supply drive throughout the month of March. We will ship donations to Little Heroes in Mali, Africa at the beginning of April. Please contribute in anyway you can. Attached is a flyer that can be passed around to spread the word! Donations can be scheduled for pick up or drop off.

Supplies needed:

Pencil sharpeners
Chalk and Erasers
Books (french)
Power Strips
Back Packs

For More information Contact:
Sharee Merrell at 801-885-9771 or at:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chance Murdock



Chance Murdock is a niniteen-year-old boy with a heart of gold and a will of iron. He has a passion for hunting and a love of his job operating large tractors on his family's small farm in Hamer, Idaho. Chance is the only child of Steve and Teressa Murdock but dear to the hearts of so many including the Little Heroes Foundation. At the beginning of August 2008 Chance's world turned upside down and was diagnosed with medullary thyroid cancer and since then his life began to quickly unravel. Starting with the initial biopsy, cat scan after cat scan quickly led to the despair at the thought that it was untreatable. A desperate prayer was answered as the Murdock family found out that surgery was an option. This surgery left Chance with the decision that no nineteen-year-old boy should ever have to face. On August 14, 2008 Chance Murdock's vocal chords were removed in a prayerful attempt to save his life and left him unable to speak. With more surgeries scheduled and regular blood tests, he is still fighting this battle. 

Unfortunately, the Murdock family is a small ranching family that cannot afford the high cost of health insurance. It has never been an option. Despite this family's obstacles they have found strength in one another and are determined to fight this to the end. Chance is a true little hero and has inspired us in more ways than one. Speaking in behalf of the Murdock family, our true heroes, we are asking you to help us help Chance in anyway you can. 

Updates from the family:

Chance is doing well. He has finished his radiation treatments and did very well through them. They burned is neck both inside his throat and outside terribly. He was so tough through it all and ate even when in extreme pain as they told him they would have to put a feeding tube in him if he continued to loose weight. He said no way!  So he ate a lot and suffered quietly, no complaints. He truly is my hero. I draw strength through him every day.  He lives his life to the most and keeps his fears to himself, which is hard for me as I am a talker and want to know what he is feeling and thinking, but he keeps pretty quiet. I don't have a picture to attach to this e-mail but I am going to try to get one from my sister-in-law from Christmas as she had her camera going full blast that day, I will try to get you one soon. We still travel to SLC every two months or so and they are watching his blood work very closely as the cancer indicator test they do has remained high and this is a big concern. All during his radiation treatments it was hunting season and he went hunting almost every day after his treatment. He saw lots of elk but not the trophy one he wanted so he waited and hunted till he saw the one he wanted and he got it. It was a delight to see him so excited and happy.  And now I get another elk rack for my living room, oh boy! We thank you all again for all you have done for us, Chance wears his little heroes T shirt all the time.  As I said I will try to get you a picture soon.  Stay in touch and let me know if there is anything I can ever do to help your wonderful program.

Teresa Murdock